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  • Foto del escritorEscola Teide

In Arts&Craft, the first graders are working really hard in the decoration of their door.

Actualizado: 14 nov 2018

The first and the second graders are working really hard all together in the Arts&Craft subject on the decoration of our doors. We decided that we want our landing to become a magic place, an space where all we can identify ourselves and give us power to complete all the challenges of the new day in school!

(Els nens i nenes de i segon estan treballant molt tots plegats a les classes d'Arts&Craft en la decoració de les nostres portes. Hem decidit que volem que el nostre replanell sigui un lloc màgic, un espai en el qual puguem sentir-nos identificats i ens doni forces per a aconseguir tots els reptes de cada dia a l'escola).


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